Shelley Ostroff PhD
Deeply concerned about the suffering humans are causing to each other, animals and the planet, I became passionate about discovering and implementing integrative pathways for local and global health and vitality. After years exploring questions about individual and system vitality, I have developed a holographic approach that draws on a broad range of experience in different countries and traditions. The holographic approach addresses some of the damaging consequences of assumptions that currently drive social organization. It integrates insight from complementary disciplines and offers conceptual and practical frameworks for nourishing vitality of people and planet.
The approach has been cultivated over more than 25 years working with leadership and people from all walks of life from different sectors of society and across continents as a therapist, consultant, teacher, and creative partner in cultivating individual and systemic wellness in groups, organizations and communities.
ITSOIS: In Creation Together is a platform that brings together diverse content from my personal and professional journey to contribute to the new paradigm emerging on the planet at this time.

Kelly Schlesinger
Graphic artist / musician / Animal activist - in short thats where my work and passion lie. After studying art and design, I ran a design studio for a few years, then gave it all up to be a musician. I co-led a drumming company for 11 years, doing corporate team building and events after which I headed back to technology and opened a business in a virtual world called Second Life. During all this I have been actively involved in dog rescue and rehabilitation.
I am an animal activist to my core, but always felt my atempts to transform how people percieve things, to be fruitless. Now I can see, the energetic resonace of the guided work I am doing has an impact far greater than I could ever have hoped. Its not "what" goes out there, its the energy attached to it, that allows it to spread and impact. I witness this with every project.
Late last year began the perfect storm of what seemed to be random incidents that brought me to start my spiritual, emotional and technological journey. I bring a range of creative and technological skills to my work with ITSOIS in supporting the production of the range of materials Shelley has developed over many years.